I want to go back to France!


Like out of a calendar
The marketplace

La riviera
Musee Oceanographic


With the Cannes Film Festival coming up soon, I tried looking for a picture of the building at Cannes but apparently it was so drab that I didn't even take a picture. Nor of the unique telephone booth with film strips at Cannes. Oh well. La Paris, wait for me!

21 May 2007

School's out! Yay!

Its been fun! queuing for donuts... getting disturbed by man in pink... meeting for presentations... doing adverts!

Found another oldie toy! Those McDonald's toys me and Jie used to play!


14 May 2007

Marketing quiz up soon! and I haven't done the report and the slides up for final presentation...

The tree had lil pink 'n' red hearts on em! complete with cute lil yellow birds!

I don't want the students to just tell me i'm pretty. I want them to tell me...they want to see change in their lives!


Exams over!


The Time Machine (2002)

This movie was..nice! I liked it, even though it seems like some dumb movie to some..
I thought it was interesting how the movie postulates that the world goes in a cycle (albeit a loooong cycle) from primal to civilisation to doomsday/world war and then back to jungle/primal..
The whole monsters thing was a bit dumb, but reasonable when the darwinian perspective is used to explain it? I mean, thats 84 centuries!
The whole effect of the civilisation living off cliffs, the sky showing the moon that broke and fell..nice!
I didn't think the monster-leader-guy was so nice, and he really wanted to let Alexander (the lead) off to go back to his past, but dunno why Alexander went to try to kill him off. Ahh right, to save the beautiful black female lead. That explains. Men hasn't evolved much after 84 centuries. Nice.

28 March 2007

The History Boys

This is one of the rare movies I get to watch ever since school started, and only because I had to watch it for 15% of my grades -_-
But its really interesting. So british. First thing that came across my mind was actually to wonder how did they really make the set look like they're really in the 1980s...
Intellectual dialogue, was a stage play-turned-movie, written by Alan Bennett. A bit of homosexual theme, so I guess that was why its NC16 in Singapore.
I wonder how people watch this movie, then really start to write a critique about the movie, and how Hector's pedagogy differs from Irwin's, and of the education climate. To do that, you actually have got to watch the movie with a purpose right from the start (which defeats the purpose of watching a movie for leisure) and then actually have time after the movie to think about it.
Well, I did it for 15% of my grade, and movie reviewers get paid for it.
But it is really a good show, I enjoyed it, and probably, I'd want to watch the stage play of it (same cast apparently).
Just don't show me the balls-groping scene on stage.
Oh and how could I forget, the subjonctif!!!
This has GOT to be my favourite part of the movie, where Hector says "ici l'anglais s'est interdit" (freakily like my french teachers here!) and watch the headmaster squirm and forget the word for "trousers" in french. Come to think of it. les pantalons?
Anyway, they go on to refer to subjonctif history, where I am guessing its almost like...Subjonctif is an emotional tense. its subjective, you're unsure of the certainty of the statement kinda thing. So history has no truth, so the way you manipulate history...imagining how things could have happened in so many different ways, its subjonctif history!
I'm guessing. I never really quite mastered subjonctif in a sense that subjonctif doesn't come straight to my mind. Since english doesn't change the tense. It doesn't matter if I say "i'm afraid she is late" or "i know she is late", but in french "j'ai peur qu'elle soit en retard" and "je sais qu'elle est en retard". Like, what what what what right!

22 March 2007


Had an interesting presentation on Tsunami today, and dear Ephraim took our pictures and blogged it into his famous blog..So I'm quite happy I've got some memorabilia from the presentation!

Light-shining hamsome.

15 Jan 2007

Pills and sweets

Father thought this was a mint sweet and ate it for days, only to find out from Mom that its really medicine.

Days later.

He asked me if these were chocolates. -_-`

10 Jan 2007


Well school has started all over again. Ma gave me a hongbao for my upcoming 20th birthday. I haven't started thinking about what its going to be like having an age that starts with a 2. And I didn't check the amount. But I did put it under my pillow. I don't know if I'm supposed to do that. But Mummy last time during Chinese New Year kinda told us to do that. So. Just put lor!

2007, a year of rest!


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